Building Your Brand with Your Readership

The Publishing Industry has changed. A successful Author Career today is very dependent on building your brand to both develop a loyal readership and to attract new readers.
Building Your Brand – How to Build a Reliable Relationship with your Readers
Assuming that you already started your journey as a blogger and intend to upgrade yourself to a writer and even if you intend to become an author, you already have a platform where you have been publishing your content online.
If so, it is especially important to observe how your audience is interacting with you and how they give you some feedback.
Independently of the size of your audience and your reach, there are especially important elements to consider when building interaction with a reliable audience and your fanbase following.
How do You Relate to Your Readers?
I know that there are still some authors who barely show up on the internet, who are afraid to expose themselves, and who think that their work is done as soon as they finish writing the book.
If you are here, you probably think differently, which is good!
The truth is that readers are the greatest asset in the life of a writer who wants to live on literature, so there is nothing fairer than investing your time in creating relationships with them.
Take care of your readers, talk to them. If they like your work, they will want to build a connection with you.
Your Audience Building is part of your Brand Building Strategies
We keep saying that it is not just worth posting and running away, but to open a conversation with them, you must take the first step.
And that involves going beyond just posting. Ask questions. Ask for their opinion on something, make a personal post occasionally (but in an impersonal way)
Make the reader feel closer to you, more of your work. This will help to create a community and to expand your followers.
A personal community of engaged readers helps to build and propagate your brand as a writer. A well-cared-for audience will be loyal to you throughout your writing career.
If you have read this far, it is because you agree with all of this, right?
 Identifying Possible Challenges
So now the questions are for you, please take a minute to answer YES or NO:
- Have you posted on all your channels in the past 7 days?
- Did at least a third of these posts have questions?
- Did your posts have comments from your readers?
- Did you comment on others’ posts in the past few days?
If you answered NO to any of these questions, you are missing out on the opportunity to create more lasting relationships with your readers.
iSpirit Media can assist you in the building of an audience:
On perfecting your message,
And your presentation,
Your demeanor at your own pace,
Without creating a burden to you.
Our platform approach has tailored solutions to facilitate your job as a published author.
Here is one free tip to manage all networks and open different channels to find new readers: chose to systematize and automatize what you can on social media. WordPress and Facebook platforms, for example, already have tools to schedule posts. There are great apps that make self-promotion and community-building work a lot easier if you wish to do it alone.
You should also read 10 Valuable Tips for the New Author
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