How to Write Inspirational or Motivational Books

How to Write Inspirational or Motivational Books
Writing an Inspirational book that inspires the reader to make real changes in their personal or professional lives is the pursuit of many authors. Most people who look to iSpirit to write a nonfiction literary work want the story to be inspiring. If that is also your desire, discover the elements that your book needs to have.
To explain how to write a motivational book, we separated this article into two parts. In the first, we will talk about the theory behind motivational stories; in the second, we will try to bring concrete examples of successful books in this regard. We must mention that iSpirit doesn’t only work with nonfiction, real stories, or technical and theoretical books, so this article aims to authors of all literary genres.
Ready to learn how to write a book that motivates and inspires your readers?
The theory behind motivational and inspirational books
Stop and think of some real story that has been inspiring for you. It may be from a book, film, or even an oral account told among friends. Try to remember what elements this story contained and what else you found inspiring. You recalling this story will probably have some example of courage or surrender, which required determination and the consequent overcoming or transformation of the person involved.
The stories that inspire us are usually authentic soul journeys of the main characters, who give themselves to what they seek and do their best to achieve without giving up.
This trajectory will necessarily involve difficulties, challenges, failures, suffering, and pain. When the character becomes aware of these obstacles and still faces them (with determination, commitment, and/or courage), she transmutes them, reaching the desired goal (overcoming or transforming). Their journey towards their goal must be inspirational.
Inspiration and the Hero’s Journey
The steps behind this plot I have just described are clearly seen in the famous Hero’s Journey theory, inspired by Joseph Campbell’s book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” We already wrote a post here on the blog talking about the theory (just click here). There are all the details about the three main phases of the journey, which are: the initiation, the call to adventure, and the return.
All these phases are also found in the fictional plots. However, we must not forget that fiction is inspired by reality. This script I just described happens in the lives of all of us – and countless times.
Any human being knows very well what it is like to be caught off guard, suddenly, by some unexpected event that causes him to change course and get out of his usual routine. It can be a dismissal, a bereavement, an illness, or even less traumatic situations, such as the arrival of a pet or child in the family. In these last examples, even if apparently planned, they always bring new episodes and unexpected situations we are forced to deal with.
Therefore, if you want to write a book that inspires and motivates the reader, you will necessarily have to insert these mini script elements in your story.
No real success story happens without the Hero’s Journey elements, such as the quest, the surrender, determination, and overcoming. We are human beings, and these stages are intrinsic to our humanity.
11 Examples of successful Inspirational/motivational Books
There are countless examples of motivational and inspiring literary works.
Here are some examples of nonfiction books I took from my bookshelf.
So, if you want to write a book that inspires the reader, you will need to learn The Hero’s Journey. It means that you will necessarily have to insert the “mini script” elements in your story.
The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz
The Power of Positive Thinking- Norman Vincent Pearle
Eat, Pary, and Love -Elizabeth Gilbert
Becoming -Michelle Obama
The Gifts of Imperfection Brene Brown
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull Richard Bach
The Prophet- Kahlil Gibran
Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan- Carlos Castaneda.