Juggling with Macaroni

Juggling with Macaroni-The Art of Being Creative!
Juggling macaroni is a metaphor for the little things in your life, which you can use more creatively to enrich your life. In doing so, you create your own creative space and give meaning to your own existence. Be creative, and above all, dare to play. You can do it!
Has during this Corona period your inspiration disappeared? Around me, I hear people talk about a lack of energy. Little pep. Hardly any outlook. No flow. Minor stimulus, challenges, or stimuli makes your brain sluggish. That calls for a mental boost.
Has during this Corona period your inspiration disappeared? Around me, I hear people talk about a lack of energy. Little pep. Hardly any outlook. No flow. Minor stimulus, challenges, or stimuli makes your brain sluggish. That calls for a mental boost.
Challenge yourself to try something new.
Did you know that your brain works much better when you challenge yourself? And that you immediately feel more energetic and alert? How you challenge yourself doesn’t really matter, as long as you show commitment. You can do this literally and figuratively by thinking or by getting into motion. In other words, leave your comfort zone and bring yourself into a stretch zone. This attitude decreases the creative blockage and creates space for something new to happen without putting you in the shiver-scary or panic zone.
You also need new points of view. Encounters with dissenters. Fresh inspiration. As a result, you create new connections in your brain. The resulting stimulus makes your metabolism go up, and this stimulates your blood circulation. That mental refreshment in your head also gives you a great jolt of energy. As a result of this, not only do you get ideas easier, but the quality of your ideas flourish and grow.
You see possibilities again. You have faith that you too can learn something new, despite previous failures. And you regain focus. Feeling wonder is one of the nicest brain stimuli you can give yourself. As a consequence, you quickly get into the flow and gain new energy immediately.
If you still find this difficult because of the Corona period, start with simple steps.
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Be creative; juggle with macaroni.
Let your thoughts go over the following questions.
What story do you talk about yourself, your life, and your future?
If you can choose, by which do you inspire yourself and others?
Finding inspiration doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with what presents itself.
“Juggling with macaroni” is being creative with everything that presents itself in your life, and that starts with the little things. By learning to play creatively, you can discover that much more is possible than you think.
Need ideas to get you started?
Cook macaroni with a delicious pasta sauce and minced meat or make a vegetarian casserole or use it as an addition to a soup meal.
Uncooked macaroni is also an excellent material for painting and stick-on paintings. Besides, fiddling with those crooked elbows is good for your motor skills.
Of course, you can also make necklaces and bracelets from this paste.
Stretch your creative limits; craft an animal, decorate a tree, or decorate a picture frame. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you want!
Esther Haasnoot is intuitive and a healer. Also, the initiator of Global Heart magazine. Where she encourages and inspires towards a conscious, healthy, harmonious, sustainable, and loving society. To create an uplifting and positive future for all of us. Follow Esther on Facebook