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New Authors’ Common Mistakes

New Authors’ Common Mistakes


3 Author’s Common Mistakes

Do you really want to become an author? We all have committed the writing sins I am going to tell you in this article. I personally learn it the worse way: After I abandoned a book I wrote for months. Lack of proper planning and some misconceptions about the “art” of writing were responsible for my lack of success. We are going to name the three trivial and common mistakes an aspiring writer may commit. I have been there, and for sure, I have the intention to relieve you from repeating these mistakes as well.

The First author’s Common mistake: Writing just when you feel inspired.

The journey of writing a book is neither short nor easy, so it must be well planned. If you only write when you are inspired, you will never finish your work. Inspirational moments will exist, of course, and use them to write more than the initial plan for that day and review.

If the inspiration factor is initially decisive for writing the first lines, “provoke” inspired moments.

During physical activities, I think of good ideas, and it is ideal for thinking about my story. Knowing this, I always have my cell phone’s notebook open to write some insight. Besides that, I maintain a good exercise routine so that I have good, inspired moments. But again, it is worth the warning. You should not write just if you are inspired. Writing a book is a balanced mix between discipline and routine.

Lack of Planning writing Routine.

Routine and planning are the basis for completing all stages of writing a book. We’ve talked a lot about the routine and structure of a novel on our Free Guide for Aspiring Authors. The planning and structure step must take place before you even write the first lines. As mentioned in the ebook highlighted above, you must define your “pensata” – storyline, synopsis, argument, and scale. This is the minimum necessary before writing your book. But I recommend going even further. Also, typify the chapters, decide the key points and turning points, write about the characters, and recommend writing about the universe where your book takes place, such as place, date, important events, etc. This all seems difficult, time-consuming, and complicated.

Is it not? Yes, and it is.
As I said, writing a book is not easy. But it is possible to become a good author. Especially if there are discipline and ROUTINE.

Give up Writing a book and Move on to Another.

If you don’t follow the tips above, you will probably give up in the first few lines. I abandoned a book after writing only two chapters. Precisely because I didn’t plan, I didn’t know which way to go for the story after these two chapters. And this is one of the biggest reasons for withdrawal by beginning writers. Many try to justify themselves by saying that they were not in the best moment to write or that the story was not good. In fact, the withdrawal came due to a lack of planning, engagement, and routine. Preparation for writing a book is as important as the work itself.


Writing a book is a dream come true. That is a possible dream to help come to fruition.
At iSpirit Publishing, the mission is to make this dream easier to realize. I have been through all these difficulties, and I try to deliver increasingly relevant content to writers. Therefore, I invite you to read other articles with writing tips that we have posted on this site.

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Should I Write in Different Genres?

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