iSpirit Publishing Vision
What is iSpirit Vision?
iSpirit is our ancestors’ song, the songs of nature, animals, and human dreams, telling their tales and unveiling their deeper knowing.
iSpirit Publishing is dedicated to restoring the mystical knowledge of this world through the wisdom of Storytelling.
People are hungry for real stories. It is part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another. -Studs Terkel
We believe that great stories are written in the ethers every day by the individuals whose lives create them. iSpirit is that voice that calls to you at night from the deepest part of your soul.
It is the mystical song of our ancestors, the sounds of nature, of animals, the web of human’s dreams, telling their tales, and unveiling their own reasonings.
These are stories that are meant to be shared and meant to inspire others.
Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time.
Edwin Percy Whipple
How about iSpirit Publishing?
For us, publishing books is not a job; it is a passion!
We are a boutique publishing house for authors that may not find a place among the traditional publishing companies. We cater to a very exclusive and ever-growing spiritually conscious audience. Our commitment is to empower your voice, so your unique message can be heard.
In iSpirit, we love books, those printed by us, and many published by others. And we work every day to offer each reader a book that is not only special for them, but we craft books that would shift and expand Spiritual consciousness!
iSpirit was born to make dreams and partnerships come true. We often hear a story and think I would make a good book. iSpirit Publishing is passionate about helping others tell their stories. It is our sacred purpose. It is part of our Soul Blueprint, our gift, and our commitment to you.
Publishing a book is not just about printing the manuscript on a bound paper. We make it our job to know the authors. We appreciate their work and bring together the best design and editorial professionals to produce multiple formats. This way, your book will become an influential book and capable of transforming the author and his readers’ lives.
We understand that it’s a quest to restore this mystical soul gift of telling meaningful stories. We believe in the Blessing of passing down the sacred knowledge of this world through the wisdom of Storytelling.
What makes us different? The Above, and Beyond
We could be saying all the unique characteristics that make iSpirit Media and Publishing so different from the other publishing platforms all day. Unlike the other publishing endeavors out there, once you become one of the iSpirit elite Authors, you will also receive substantial publicity resources, focused training, and the insider’s know-how to assert your professional profile publishing industry.