Become a Co-Author

Become a Co-Author-Why should you Take part in Storybooks?
One way to get known to more readers is to take part in Storybooks or literary Journeys, commonly known as anthologies as a co-author.
Short storybooks and chronicles that bring together several writers have a significant advantage: they help you reach many more readers.
Think about it, if each of the 20 authors (or co-authors) of a book sells to 20 people, their stories can reach up to 400 people without so much effort on their part.
Spiritually Thematic collections are our specialty. They have another advantage. They already pre-select the public for their literary taste.
We can use it as a reference to a horror collection that will attract people interested in the subject. If that is what you usually write about, well, you will have a chance to captivate some more readers.
Another advantage of being one of our co-authors is that you will increase your number of published books, which counts a lot for those who think about the writing career in academic terms. Being part of some collections can put you in front of workshops given at many niches and communities, Expo’s Conferences, Seminars, etc.
To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know.
Henri Nouwen ·
What are the best and which Anthologies to participate in?
Many publishers make Anthologies out there, so you must think about what kind of book and what type of investment you are interested in making.
The Publishers’ Collections- as a Co-Author
I do not recommend those collections whose main objective is to make money for the publisher.
There’s a lot of that out there. You’re invited to participate, but you have to buy many books. The publisher doesn’t even make a good selection or review of the texts. No doubt that this may be a publishing business model, but it has no real advantages for the writer.
If you are going to invest, look for serious publishers, people with years of publishing experience, someone with a track record. Beware of the ‘hearsay” people. Look for those with the background, the reputation, and that you know they will do the editing job well. The important thing to consider when participating in one of these collective storybooks is that you will be well represented. You deserve the peace of mind of knowing that the book’s selection, review, and editing will be made well.
Participating in Contests and Literary Competitions
There are many renowned contests that you can take part in and even compete for cash prizes. They are a great way to get your feet wet and start your career as a published writer. These Contest submissions can give you gravitas and would look great on your own memoir.
Publish on Online Websites and Magazines
Suppose you do not want or cannot invest. In that case, the best is to seek writing collections in which you can take part without making an investment. If that be the case, it will be preferable to have an ISBN Number registration (digital collections often do not have them).
Do you Want to participate in Our Storybooks? (Anthologies)?
And why am I talking about this subject today?
Because here at iSpirit Publishing, we always saw our literary collection as an opportunity to disseminate and cross-pollinate many writers throughout our networks and their own networks. We believe in cooperation and in supporting each other’s dreams and purposes. It was with that in mind we created our own Literary Journey through the iSpirit StoryBook project.
We believe that this is the only way to make quality literature and increase audience to contemporary Spiritual and Conscious audience.
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