Why publish a children’s book?
We believe that every human being grows when they receive information, education, examples, and loving nudges.
The children’s book is a powerful source of information about the world for children. It is the first contact with reading and learning to read, stimulating imagination and cognitive development. These elements are essential for their success as human beings.
It is necessary to speak to adults. But first and foremost, it is essential to talk to those who will become adults. At the same time, most children have not yet been contaminated by the prejudices, the bitterness, and the difficulties of those who are no longer children.
We shall never underestimate the Power of Planting Seeds.
It is necessary not to let the understanding take precedence over the feeling. There is no need to make children’s literature inspiring, motivational, and spiritually inspired books.
No doubt that it is much more effective to deliver to children the subtle poetry of words and images and to believe in their ability to feel and the inner ability to understand with time.
For us, adults, it is essential to speak to children because they still have the courage not to bow to the many labels, the many impositions, the immense standards that are accumulating in the horizon of growth and adult life.
It is necessary to offer children the freedom to be revolutionary, have free-thinking, and know that they are powerful in defending their ideas and ideals. It is essential to give them a voice and the spaces they need and are entitled to. We are forming the Citizens of Tomorrow.
There are those who believe that the value of a children’s book can be measured only in terms of the moral lessons it tries to impose or the perfect role models it offers. Personally, I happen to think that a book is of extraordinary value if it gives the reader nothing more than a smile or two. In fact, I happen to think that’s huge.
Barbara Park
The children’s book can find a space for pause and collaboration between children and adults.
The formation of the reader in early childhood requires only the presence of reading and books.
Forming a reading habit can help a child create a structure of critical thinking and empower its imagination from a tender age.
Reading needs to be part of the routine for all ages. You must have books close by at home, at school, in libraries. Books should be made easy, that the baby and small child can hold, hug and love.