Surefire Tips To Capture New Readers

Surefire Tips To Capture New Readers
As new authors, we are always thinking about attracting new readers and expanding our public. It is not enough to just have a good book within us. Every writer needs to put their stories on paper or on digital screens so that their message reaches other people around the world.
And not only that: it takes a decent editorial job to capture new readers in a universe with so many literary works sold. Not only this but consider the social media channels, which are also filled with noise and dissonance.
How, then, is it possible to sell your book? This article will learn about two important factors that can help you win new readers and new customers.
# 1 Create a Charming and Captivating Book Cover
Have you ever found yourself admiring a book on a website or in a bookstore? What drew you the most attention to take that piece and start leafing through it? Without a doubt, it was the cover. A nice job of building attractive covers begins with the choice of the professional in editorial design, who is the one who will align the aesthetics of the cover to the content of the book.
The book’s cover is your business card, so pay attention to the use of good quality images. Be mindful of the color psychology choice that has the power to arouse emotions in readers, for special graphic finishes such as high relief, localized varnish, laminations, etc. A creative professional will be able to create a truly magnificent capable cover to please your readers!
It is worth remembering that a cover’s production is divided between different technical expertise. The attention to details, appropriate fonts, the choice of colors, word layout, and finish – and artistic knowledge are all essential to create a killer Cover. All these, along with the illustration, can make a serious impact.
# 2 Invest in a Professional and Proper Layout
Another important factor in capturing new readers is the layout of the book’s core. When leafing through your book in a bookstore, the reader evaluates the cover, spine, back cover, ears and then takes the next step: open the book’s center. It is at that time that the charm often falls apart.
The handwriting may be too small or too artistic. The paragraphs are not justified. The spacing between the lines tires the reading. The margins are too small, and the sections are absent.
Your new readers are always being updated by the latest trends over the digital Platforms. And so should you.
A well-designed book adds quality to the reading. Attractive pages don’t just give pleasure to the reader. They are, in fact, part of the experience with the work.
Therefore, prefer classic fonts already approved by the public, such as Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman.
Highlight chapter titles leaving them in evidence concerning the rest of the text. Dedicate yourself to the margins, always leaving an adequate space between the lines.
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