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Author: What Not to do To Publish Your Book

Author: What Not to do To Publish Your Book


Author: What Not to do To Publish your Book

Don’t overdo publicizing your work too much on Social Media.

As an author and a writer, You may have all the freedom to post what you want, on the internet, especially without your social networks. Still, it’s not cool to be posting, every minute, about your project to people.
This is even more real if you haven’t Professionally organized your work. Your Followers can be future investors in your work. It is much more advantageous to you to create and manage a fundraising campaign. You can have a detailed explanation about your project on a crowdfunding platform – without displeasing others – and even enjoying free marketing advice.

Don’t speak ill of Publishers or Publishing houses

Maybe you sent your book to a possible publisher and did not find it satisfactory. Perhaps you disliked their proposal (there would be changes in the work, for example), there is no need to disclose that.

If another publisher reads your publication, it will think ten times before contacting you. And this is another advantage that Crowdfunding gives you: CREATIVE FREEDOM. If you want to finance and leave the book the way you always dreamed, you can and should create a crowdfunding campaign and launch it now!

Keep a Professional Posture.

Never publicize your book by saying that it is the new bestseller of the year. For example, in a campaign, focus on the book’s content so that the future contributor identifies with the work and be part of his journey to launch his book.

Submit your work (manuscript) without typos and grammatically correct.

It seems unnecessary to say now but to present your work, either to a publisher or a crowdfunding platform, to start a campaign and write it correctly.

Do not talk about the fact that you are not a reviewer because even proofreading is part of literary production. In the crowdfunding campaign, you will be the Author, and your number of collections will depend on you. You need to show your best “Aspiring Author Mode” to your book tribe.

Make sure your Book Proposal is viable

We know that it is often difficult to accurately predict the outcome of a project that does not yet exist.

Even so, before you put your campaign on the air, you must make every effort to ensure that it is viable. You will need to choose a modality (all-or-nothing or flex) that is adequate. The calculated budget is sufficient to execute the proposal, produce the rewards and deliver them on time.

So, do not promise impossible deadlines, find out about real costs, know your suppliers, and anticipate yourself to avoid possible unforeseen events.

Communicate with supporters. Always!

By choosing to launch a project collectively through Crowdfunding, you make a public commitment to all of your supporters and turn an objective once individual into a shared goal. The Author is the guardian and responsible for the money collected and for executing a joint project. Still, supporters are part of that achievement and, therefore, deserve and should always be updated by you throughout the process.

See Also
Book Tribe

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