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Why Create a Literary Blog?

Why Create a Literary Blog?

Literary Blogs

Why Should you Create a Literary Blog?

A blog is a word that results from the simplification of the term weblog. This, in turn, results from the juxtaposition of the English language web and log words. The web appears here with the meaning of network (of the internet). Simultaneously, a log is used to name the record of activity or regular performance of something. In a free translation, we can define a blog as an “online diary.”

Literary Blogs appeared in the mid-2000s—the first blogs on the internet, covering a wide range of subjects. At the time, a blog was one of the few ways to communicate with friends. And, with strangers who might come across the blog.

But the years have passed, and with the advancement of technology came smartphones and social networks.

As much as the blog’s use remained high, competition with social networks was evident and even unfair. Millions left recurring blog posts to expose thoughts and personal life on social media.

But what few know is that a blog is still one of the best channels for the presence and gaining digital authority and a great portal to sell products or services.

And that is precisely what we will talk about today in this article. We will show you that a blog is a great way to become an increasingly well-known and relevant writer for your readers. You may learn how a literary blog can help you with your ‘digital authority and author’s platform.

What is a blog?

The blog is a regularly updated website that can be used by both companies and individuals who want to share on the internet about their products, services, ideas, and thoughts. The tool, which popularized textual content production, is the primary means of communication for several portals.

The regular update is done by creating a blog post. A blogpost is a text that you write about a particular subject in order to attract the attention of your website visitor, delivering relevant content to him.

Why have a literary blog?

A well-built and updated blog often generates authority and helps you sell a product or service. By writing about your market, you demonstrate to your reader that you understand about your market, that you have already experienced some challenges, and have the ability to speak. That is, you have knowledge of the cause.

With this gain in authority, you induce him to take some future action such as buying a book you wrote or a course you created. If you have a blog with quality content, a large number of hits, and comments from readers, it is a sign that you show that you understand the subject.

What is the best digital Investment? Social network or literary blog?

A good digital marketing strategy, regardless of the market niche, is composed of the diversification of content and communication channels (blog, social networks, e-mails, etc.). However, it is known that nowadays, there are so many social networks and actions to be taken that we quickly end up getting lost in the generation of this content.

Suppose you are an author who works alone, without a team to assist you in the dissemination of your book. In that case, I suggest dedicating your time to creating and maintaining the blog and using only one or two social networks. It is better to do the job well on a few channels than to do more or less the job on multiple communication channels.

Advantages of having a literary blog.

Besides the great advantage mentioned, such as gaining reputation and digital authority, keeping a literary blog active and with frequent updates, daily or weekly, for example, will make you develop your writing, in addition to exposing all the knowledge acquired on a specific subject.

Another advantage is that the blog serves as a thermometer to know which theme your audience is most interested in and consumes.
Thus, you will have in hand accurate information to know how and how much to approach the blog reader for the sale of your book, course, or any other product or service.

How to create and maintain a literary blog?

It is possible to create a website and a blog quickly and with low costs. We will suggest sites where you can start your Personal Platform.

Frequency of publication on a literary blog

Better than writing a lot, it is writing with recurrence. It is better to write one blog post per week than to write several in a single day. Recurrence is one of several factors that Google (the leading search engine) tracks on your blog.

I suggest starting with at least one weekly blog post and, if possible, increasing this number over time. Ultimately, the more content your blog has, the better. After all, with each blog post created, the greater your blog’s chances of being found by people.

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Do recurring analysis to see if the blog is going well.

It is essential to know our literary blog’s performance. Because this way will be easier to understand which blog post most visited, how long people is staying within a page, periods of more access, etc. All these metrics and dozens of others are made available by Google Analytics. This Google tool serves to measure the performance of a website.

There are other more complex tools for analyzing the performance of a website. However, to start, Google Analytics is the best and most intuitive (besides being free).

Reinforcing what I said above, all the processes of creating a blog can be done with FRIENDS. In addition to building the website and blog, they will guide you in creating the blog posts and how to analyze the literary blog’s performance.

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