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Self-Publishing, Independent Publishing, or Assisted Publishing?

Self-Publishing, Independent Publishing, or Assisted Publishing?

Independent Publishing

Despite the name “Self-Publishing,” you will not be alone on this journey. That is why we prefer to call it “Independent Publishing.”

Self-Publishing, Independent Publishing, or Assisted Publishing?

What Modality would serve you best?

If you have already written a book or are thinking of writing one, you may have already researched how to publish it.

Probably, in your searches, you came to believe the term self-publishing or independent publishing. At this point, you also certainly asked yourself: Is it worth it?

Our answer to this question is YES, for sure! Believe me, this model can exceed your expectations in many ways!

And despite the name “Self-Publishing,” you will not be alone on this journey. That is why we prefer to call it “Independent Publishing.”

ISpirit Publishing is the first startup to self-publish, print, sell and distribute its printed books.

We have made our mission to materialize dreams. For that reason, here we list some reasons why you should consider in Independent Publishing with us:

1. With Independent Publishing You retain your Copyright:

At ISpirit Publishing, you, as an Independent author, keep 100% of the copyright and are free to publish and/or make your content available simultaneously on other channels.

It is important to know that, in the traditional publishing market, the author usually assigns the rights to commercialize his book employing a temporary contract.

These contracts are usually between two and three years old. Over this period, they guarantee the chosen publisher exclusivity over the work.

Rarely does a traditional publisher work on a non-exclusive basis, but it can even happen, okay?

We are trying to address the most common practice; however, it all depends on your negotiation and the integrity of the Publishing house you may be dealing with.

At ISPIRIT PUBLISHING, you can choose a fixed fee on the book’s printing value. Or you can edit that value after a better analysis of your book’s market, competition, and target audience. In short, you can change it whenever you want!

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2. You are not held hostage by publishers’ acceptance

We all know an author who had his books rejected by one publisher until they finally published independently and succeeded.

That shows that who decides if the content is good or not is the market. And not necessarily one or another professional who has his personal tastes and preferences no matter how much experience he has.

To make matters worse, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the author often doesn’t even get feedback on his work.

With self-publication or independent publication, it is possible to make your content available to the market quickly. After that, let your potential readers evaluate, in fact, if your book is recommended/promoted.

3. Can I self-Publish for free?

Yes, you can. There are places such as Amazon (create space) that offer you the platform and even give you their own “ISBN” number. You can upload and become a published author that easily. You will have your book available and able to sell on-demand.

While many publishers charge a high amount for publication, self-publishing allows you to place your book on the market 100% free of charge.

But of course, to get to the point of self-publishing, you need to have your content ready, and at this stage, some expenses such as layout, proofreading, and cover may occur.

Is it possible to do all this alone?
Yes, for sure! Is it possible to find professionals with super affordable prices? Yes, of course!

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Start writing your Book

Everything will depend on how you want to present your product to the market. In this phase, it is up to the author to define priorities within his conditions. However, there is no right or wrong. The important thing is to have the commitment, care, and caprice with your work.

4. Only You Can Guarantee First Sales

Regardless of how your book is published, via Traditional Publisher or self-publishing, or Independent Publishing, people will only buy it if you, the author, makes the initial selling effort.

You need to take the first step and motivate your primary group, family and friends, to read your content!

This is something that nobody can do for you.
You have to make releases, buy some copies for gifts, organize sweepstakes and make your book run, you know? We have several articles on our blog that may help you with that.

Rarely will anyone buy your book just because it is available on a website or bookstore? Therefore, it takes effort, dedication, and also indication and the famous word-of-mouth.

At ISpirit Publishing, we help promote our Social media and our Publishing Partners @iSpirit Publishing, where we publish exclusive titles from our authors, affectionately dubbed “iSpirit Storytellers.”

We also offer the purchase function in batches of 10 or more units at cost price. An excellent option to start distributing your books around!
After this information, are you ready to take the next step?

We believe that self-publishing or independent publishing are those doors of hope and can make attainable your dream to become a published author.

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